Tools included
TimeKeeper installs with a number of tools, some covered elsewhere in this document. Many visualization capabilities are handled by the provided web interface and plotting tools covered in the section, “Visualizing data.”
Other helpful tools installed in timekeeper/release64 may include:
- baddate - This is a (Linux) test utility for moving the time away from the current value. The argument to baddate is a floating point number of seconds to move time either forwards or backwards. This can be used before TimeKeeper starts, in order to move the system time around for testing.
- timekeeper_uninstaller, timekeeper_uninstaller.bat - This is an uninstall script to remove a TimeKeeper installation. Use timekeeper_uninstaller.bat on Windows.
- and report_problem.bat (also available on Linux as /usr/bin/ - This script collects system information to be emailed in case of a problem. Please provide the results of this script with the description of any product issue. Running -u (report_problem.bat -u on Windows as Administrator) will try to automatically upload the generated report to FSMLabs. The -d option may also be used to specify a writable directory for report generation. Both of these scripts can be more easily run from the Help tab on TimeKeeper’s web interface.
- (also available as /usr/bin/tkstatus on Linux) - This script gives a short overview of the current TimeKeeper status, including a license overview, current source accuracy, and the age of any recent updates. On Windows tkstatus.bat is available in the release64 directory in the TimeKeeper installation. Running tkstatus -f (tkstatus.bat -f on Windows) will give a full, untruncated overview of the current TimeKeeper status, including all of the previous fields and one-way delay.
- stats - This Linux tool summarizes TimeKeeper source files to give offset and frequency data. It can be run as “/opt/timekeeper/release64/stats timekeeperdata=/var/log/” to provide a summary of the primary source’s behavior over time.
- timekeeper_cli - This is a tool that allows for some command-line based configuration ability on TimeKeeper Grandmasters.
- encodepassphrase - This tool allows for encryption of passphrase settings, needed for either SNMPv3 alerts or to access key files to provide HTTPS support.