
For TimeKeeper support, please email with a summary of the problem.

When you first contact we will ask you to upload logs from your system to avoid back-and-forth to capture your environment, system state, the problem and so on. We encourage you to do that anytime you request support to speed resolution of your problems or questions. To make that is easy we provide a tool to do that.

You can collect logs and upload them automatically via FTP with either our GUI or command line.


Login as admin, navigate to the ‘Help’ tab, click the checkbox to automatically upload via FTP and then click ‘Collect TimeKeeper Logs’. That will take a few minutes at which time the system will upload the logs and offer you the chance to download the file yourself if that fails.

Command line:

Run this command on Linux/Solaris:

/opt/timekeeper/release64/ -u

Run this command on Windows:

C:\Program Files\timekeeper\release64\report_problem.bat -u

If you encounter an error that the directory is not writable, then you can use the -d option to specify a writable directory for report generation.

If you block FTP or that doesn’t work for some reason then the script will place a file in /tmp and let you know about it (or C:\Program Files\timekeeper\tmp directory on Windows). You can upload that file to us via

Please make sure to also email with details about the upload, including the file provided, and any background details about the issue at hand. The better FSMLabs understands your question, the faster support can respond.